- 遠くから[離れたところで?近寄らなくても]怪しい物体{ぶったい}を爆破{ばくは}する
blow up suspicious objects at a distance 意味
- "blow up in someone's face" 意味
- "blow up one's own ship" 意味
- "blow up out of proportion" 意味
- "blow up over a perceived slight" 意味
- "blow up steam" 意味
- "blow up the building" 意味
- "blow up the plane" 意味
- "blow water" 意味
- "blow wave" 意味
- "blow up over a perceived slight" 意味
- "blow up steam" 意味
- "blow up the building" 意味
- "blow up the plane" 意味